How to get 58% more email signups

Here's how I increased our email popup sign-up rate by 58% and stopped annoying the shit out of all our visitors.

You probably show your email popups on page load or about 8 s. after, right?

That's a mistake.

In users studies, most people immediately close popups that appear immediately when landing on a site - without reading the content. They're so used to popups appearing on page load that they just close it out of habit.

So what to do instead?

Luckily, it's simple. I trigger our email popups after 8 seconds on a visitor's 3rd-page load. This tells me that the visitor is interested enough in us that she will process (read) the content of our popup instead of just closing it out of habit.

In my tests, this increased our email sign-up rate by 58% compared to triggering the popup on page load or, as is standard for many sites, 8 s. after page load.

Despite a lower number of impressions, we get the same number of signups without annoying the shit out of everybody else.

How to do it

What I didn't write in the thread was how to do it. So here's how:

In Klaviyo, you have the option to trigger a signup form on a custom trigger. In other words, a piece of code that you can use to trigger your popups whenever you want.

Then do this:

  1. Set your Klaviyo signup form to a be shown by a custom trigger (see above)

  2. Copy and paste the code in the "Custom Trigger" panel.

  3. Go into your Shopify store's code editor (Themes -> Actions -> Edit code)

  4. Find the theme.liquid file

  5. Copy/paste the code you find here somewhere between the and tags.

  6. Replace the Klaviyo code on lines 11 and 12 with your own code. It's probably just the "XMBsNp" part that you need to change.

  7. Save.

That's it! Now your popup will show after 8 seconds on the third page-load of a visitor's session - and you'll get a lot more signups without annoying everybody else.

Let me know if you need help,
