A Gray Input Field Increased Our Form Signup Rate by 44%

A fun email popup A/B test you can start in 1 minute!

I want to show you a fun email popup A/B test that you can start in 1 minute.

For one of my brands, the new version increased our popup's signup rate by a mindblowing 44% 🤯

All credit goes to @jsappington for sharing the test on Twitter. I just stole his idea and tried it on my brands.

The idea is simple. Change the input field background to a grayish, shaded background.

I honestly don't have any clear-cut arguments for why this should be better. I guess it's the same mechanism that makes popping CTA buttons work better. It steals attention and shows the next steps.

I launched the test in four different experiments—one for mobile and one for desktop across two brands. And one of the experiments quickly finished with a mindblowing 44% increase in signups for the gray, shaded version 🤯

  • White version (A): 6.37% Form Submit Rate.

  • Gray version (B): 9.18% Form Submit Rate.

I honestly don't think you can expect similar results. I'm serving a not-so-tech-savvy audience. But it's such an easy test to do that it's worth a shot.

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