Start this test today

1-click checkouts may hurt your sales. Here's how to test it!

I see many people talking about Shopify's dynamic checkout button in the Oddit Club. Both Shopify's and other 1-click checkout solutions.

"Does it improve my conversion rate?"

Yes. A giant yes. But conversion rate isn't everything. It doesn't tell the complete picture. If you average more than 1 item per order, the 1-click checkout may hurt your sales. Even if removing it increases your conversion rate.

Why? Because the DCB makes it so easy for your customers to buy only 1 item.

I'm currently running a test on my stores. I still need more data, but the current winner is removing the DCB. It's the same in all the tests.

Here's an example of a running test:

Again, I know that I don't have enough data to conclude anything. But so far, hiding the DCB has increased conversion rate and revenue per session.

You can't expect this. My audience is +65-year-old women. So they don't understand the DCB if they click it. But I urge you to start this test today. It's an easy test with a high potential for making an impact.

Create a Google Optimize experiment right now and hide the DCB with the following CSS:

div.shopify-payment-button { display : none; }

